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Ankou Week 26

Day 1

5 x 3 back squat

Rest 5 mins

3 rounds:
12 push press (take it from the ground)
60 sec AMRAP burpees
active rest for 2 mins between rounds (i.e. walk don’t sit)

Rest 5 mins

C. 3 rounds of:
10 x pull ups
5 KB snatch right arm
5 KB snatch left arm

Day 2

Power Snatch: build to heavy single

Overhead Squat: build to moderate double

6 rounds for time of:
10 x OH squat with barbell
30 x double unders

Day 3

KB breathing ladder (1 swing, put bell down and take 1 breath, 2 swings, take 2 breaths, all the way up to 15 reps)

B. run 2 miles for time

Day 4

20 Minute AMRAP of:
row 500m
20 x push Ups

Day 5

5×3 power clean (rest 10 secs between reps and 3 minutes between sets)

rest 5 mins

3×5 front squat (rest 3 minutes between sets)

rest 5 mins

21-15-9 of:
deadlift (155#)
burpees over the bar


  1. Day 1: Warmed up with dynamic, followed by 45 minutes of mobility work with Doc, then filmed a few of my OHS attempts.
    A: 160, 170, 180, 190, 200. I figured with a 1RM of 215, I should be able to gt 200 without too much trouble.
    B: @95 for the push press; round 1 in 1:37 wth 11 burpees, round 2 in 1:42 with 11 burpees, and round three in 2:03 with 12 burpees. The first two rounds of presses were unbroken, but the thrid had one break in it where I had to put the bar on the floor, then re-clean and continue pressing.
    C: still can’t seem to snatch the 53# KB with the left arm, so did this with the 35# KB in 4:16. Pull ups are getting better, but I’m nowhere near satisfied yet. Still fighting grip fatigue after the first 10 or so pull ups.
    Cashed out with 500m row at recovery pace, 25 unbroken GHD, and some shoulder mobility work.
    Goal for tomorrow: I’d like to get 120 or better on snatch, and see if I can’t get 100 or more on OHS. For C I’d like to be in under 6:00, but will push for 5:00. With me doing actual double unders it may add more time, so my goal may very well be a shot in the dark.

  2. Day 2: Warmed up with dynamic, burgener, and one snatch at 95#.
    A: 2 x 65, 1 x: 75, 85, 95. Did 105 three times, once recorded and Doc should have sent you the video by now. For whatever reason I get to about 105 or higher and my technique falls apart and I start to just muscle the bar.
    B: Started with the bar and had Doc watch and help me get into position, but that was unsuccessful, so he suggested I just don’t do OHS if I can’t even get into position correctly. Which takes me to…
    C: where I substituted OHS for front squat at 95#. I tried doing ever other jump as a double under, but by the end of the fourth round I was unable to string more than one or two together. So for rounds 5 & 6 I did 90 single unders. Time was 17:50.
    Cashed out with 500m recovery row.
    Overall not very happy with my performance today. Just one point of frustration after another. Thanfully tomorrow is a new chance to do better.

  3. Day 3: warmed up with dynamic and some shoulder mob.
    A: 8:36 was the total time. For the set of 15 I instead did 17 as day 3 fell on my daughter’s 17th birthday. Lower back felt very tight afterward though; just muscle fatigue/tightness, no big deal.
    B: Was waaaaaayyyy slower than I expected. 14:26 for the two miles. I started out at a 12:30-13:00 pace, but had to walking stretch my back out a couple times. Not often I’m not able to finish a run without walking, especially one that short. And so it goes.
    Cashed out with some hip mob and stretches.

    Day 4: Warmed up with dynamic. My goal was to get through 6 full reps, thinking it would take me about 2:30 per 500m, and about 30 seconds per set of push ups, plus transition time of about 3 seconds cumulative per round. Turns out I was pretty close. Did 6 rounds plus the 500m row, plus 15 push ups. Almost got 7 full rounds. Each round of row took about 2:10-2:15 except the last one that was in about 2:05. As my push ups get stronger I’ll expect to get closer to 8 rounds.
    Cashed out with 1.3 miles on the treadmill at a recovery pace (about 8:15/mile) followed by what I’m calling my ab complex version 1, at 20s. It was 20x GHD, 20 x 4-count flutter kicks, 20 x frog kicks, 20 x oblique crunches to the left knee, then 20 to the right knee, and 20 leg lifts. After talking with Doc about it, I’ll add a hold to version 2 tomorrow. Probably plank or L-hold from the bar for 2 minutes. I really want to take an aggressive approach to my abs for the next couple months to see if I can’t finally get rid of this spare mountain bike tire I’ve got; the darn thing is just so stubborn. My goal is to get up to 100s on my ab complex by the end of the next 8 weeks, and I plan to do it 5 times a week with taking Tuesdays and Saturdays off from abs. That way I’m doing at leasts something every day of the week while avoiding overload or burnout.

    • Correction of a typo, it should read 30 secons transition time between row and push ups and back, per round; not 3 seconds. Also, goals for day 5: I’d like to build up to at least 135 on the cleans, 165 on the front squat, and do C: in 10 minutes. That goal for C is pretty much a SWAG.

  4. Day 5: Warmed up with dynamic and Burgener.
    A: 95, 105, 115, 125, & 135. I was pleased that I hit all 3 @ 135 without losing any and without a fight.
    B:145, 155, 165. With my 1RM at 175 if figured 5 reps at almost that was a good goal.
    C: 7:20. Pleasantly surprised that it didn’t take as long as I expected. Don’t know if it’s a good time though.
    Cashed out with 1.5 miles on the treadmill at an easy recovery pace, my ab complex version two at 25s (25 x: GHD, 4-count flutter kick, 2-count frog kick, oblique crunches each side, leg lifts; and 2 minutes unbroken plank hold), followed by some hip & back stretches.
    It was nice to finish off the week on what felt like a positive note.

  5. One other thing that I keep forgetting to mention, Doc and I are planning on doing a half marathon row on the 30th. That also happens to be my 40th birthday. Should be entertaining, but Doc wanted me to let you know so you can keep in in mind when programming. Or not. Either way is cool by me.

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